Abby Langdon Alger
Abby Langdon Alger | |
Rođenje | |
Smrt | 22. maj 1905 | (54 godine)
Zanimanje | spisateljica i prevoditeljica |
Abby Langdon Alger (3. augusta 1850 – 22. maja 1905) bila je američka spisateljica i prevoditeljica, uglavnom vjerskih, književnih ili folklornih tekstova.
[uredi | uredi izvor]Alger je rođena u Roxburyju, u američkoj državi Massachusetts, kao kći unitarističkog svećenika Williama Rounseville Algera i Anne Langdon Lodge Alger.[1][2] Pisac Horatio Alger bio je bratić njezina oca,[3] a državnik Henry Cabot Lodge bio je jedan od njezinih rođaka po majci.[4] Njezin brat Philip Rounseville Alger bio je mornarički oficir; drugi brat, William E. Alger, bio je diplomat koji je radio u američkim ambasadama u Latinskoj Americi.[5] Njezina nećakinja i imenjakinja, Abby Langdon Alger Wilder (1889 – 1978), bila je istaknuta državna dužnosnica u New Hampshireu.[6]
Alger je prevodila vjerske, književne i folklorne tekstove s italijanskog, francuskog i njemačkog, uključujući djela historičara Henrija Martina, dramaturga Ernesta Legouvéa, Benôit-Constanta Conquelina, Judith Gautier, romanopisca Victora Hugoa, Augusta Josepha Alphonsa Gratryja, filozofa Ernesta Renana, sv. Franjo Asiški, naučnika Louisa Figuiera i dramaturga X. B. Saintina. "Bila je izvanredna lingvistica i odmah je vladala francuskim, njemačkim, italijanskim i drugim jezicima", bilježi nekrolog iz 1905. u Boston Evening Transcriptu. "Posjedujući ovo vrijedno postignuće, često je bila tražena među izdavačkim kućama za koje je mnogo prevodila."[4]
Alger je također producirala dobrotvornu izvedbu čudesne predstave, temeljene na talijanskoj tradiciji, izvedene s talijanskim glazbenicima i lutkarima, u bostonskoj dvorani Minot 1894. godine.[7] "Bila je moja želja", kasnije je objasnila, "prikazati najraniji oblik dramskog prikazivanja. Mi, sadašnji, možemo ga nazvati grubim i grotesknim; ali kad se prisjetimo da je to bila vjerna reprodukcija onoga što je dano stotinama godina prije, i da je tada primljen sa svakim znakom poštovanja, sigurna sam da neće biti negativne kritike."[8] Intervjuirala je poglavice američkih indijanskih plemena Passamaquoddy i Penobscot kako bi sastavila zbirku narodnih priča "In Indian Tents" iz 1897.[9]
[uredi | uredi izvor]Originalna djela
[uredi | uredi izvor]- "A collection of words and phrases taken from the Passamaquoddy tongue" (1885, paper presented to the American Philosophical Society)[10]
- In Indian Tents: Stories Told by Penobscot, Passamaquoddy and Mimac Indians (1897)[11][12]
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Martin, A popular history of France, from the first Revolution to the present time (1877)[13]
- Legouvé, Reading as a fine art (1879)[14][15]
- Coquelin, The actor and his art (1881)[16]
- Gautier, The usurper: an episode in Japanese history (1884)[17][18]
- Reissman, The life and works of Robert Schumann (1886)[19][20]
- Hugo, The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1888)[21] i Hans of Iceland (1891)[22]
- Gratry, Guide to the knowledge of God, a study of the chief theodicies (1892)[23][24]
- Figuier, Joys beyond the threshold: A sequel to The to-morrow of death (1893)[25]
- Bentzon, The Condition of Woman in the United States: A Traveler's Notes (1895)[26]
- Renan, My Sister Henriette (1895)[27]
- La Motte Fouqué, Undine, a Tale (1897)[28]
- The little flowers of Saint Francis of Assisi (1898)[29][30]
- Saintine, Picciola (1899)[31]
Privatni život
[uredi | uredi izvor]Alger je umrla nakon operacije u bolnici u Brooklineu 1905, u dobi od 54 godine, nekoliko mjeseci nakon očeve smrti.[2]
[uredi | uredi izvor]- ^ Perkins Institute and Massachusetts School for the Blind (31. 8. 1905). "In Memoriam". Annual Report (jezik: engleski): 29–30.
- ^ a b "Obituary: Death of Rev. Dr. W. R. Alger, a Native of Freetown". Fall River Daily Evening News (jezik: engleski). 28. 2. 1905. str. 5. Pristupljeno 1. 2. 2023 – preko
- ^ Scharnhorst, Gary (1990). A literary biography of William Rounseville Alger (1822-1905), a neglected member of the Concord circle (jezik: engleski). Lewiston, N.Y.: E. Mellen Press. ISBN 0-88946-576-2. OCLC 20098082.
- ^ a b "Recent Deaths: Miss Abby L. Alger". Boston Evening Transcript (jezik: engleski). 26. 5. 1905. str. 4. Pristupljeno 1. 2. 2023 – preko
- ^ "William E. Alger Dead". The Boston Globe (jezik: engleski). 22. 3. 1917. str. 2. Pristupljeno 1. 2. 2023 – preko
- ^ Krause, Lydia (22. 4. 1951). "Only Woman State Employment Director in U.S. Asks No Special Privileges". The Daily Advertiser (jezik: engleski). str. 18. Pristupljeno 1. 2. 2023 – preko
- ^ "Worked by Wires; Miss Alger's 'Miracle Play' Set for Today; Characters by Puppets". Boston Post (jezik: engleski). 15. 3. 1894. str. 4. Pristupljeno 1. 2. 2023 – preko
- ^ "The 'Miracle Play'; Miss Alger Pleased with its Reception; Her Wish in Giving It". Boston Post (jezik: engleski). 17. 3. 1894. str. 2. Pristupljeno 1. 2. 2023 – preko
- ^ "Indians and Thunder". Chase County Courant (jezik: engleski). 16. 12. 1897. str. 2. Pristupljeno 1. 2. 2023 – preko
- ^ Alger, Abby L. "A collection of words and phrases taken from the Passamaquoddy tongue" (1885, paper presented at the American Philosophical Society; via Hathi Trust
- ^ Alger, Abby Langdon. In Indian Tents: Stories Told by Penobscot, Passamaquoddy and Mimac Indians (Boston: Roberts Brothers 1897). via Project Gutenberg.
- ^ "New Books". The Inter Ocean (jezik: engleski). 18. 9. 1897. str. 16. Pristupljeno 1. 2. 2023 – preko
- ^ Martin, Henri, A popular history of France, from the first Revolution to the present time (Boston: Colonial Press 1877), translated by Abby Langdon Alger and Mary L. Booth, via Hathi Trust.
- ^ Legouvé, Ernest. Reading as a fine art (Boston: Roberts Brothers 1879), translated by Abby Langdon Alger; via Hathi Trust
- ^ "Review of Legouvé, 'L'Art de la Lecture'". The Catholic World (jezik: engleski). 30 (177): 428. decembar 1879.
- ^ Coquelin, C., The actor and his art (Boston: Roberts Brothers 1881), translated by Abby Langdon Alger; via Hathi Trust
- ^ Gautier, Judith. The usurper: an episode in Japanese history (Boston: Roberts Brothers 1884), translated by Abby Langdon Alger; via Hathi Trust
- ^ "New Books: The Usurper: A Tale of Japan". Boston Evening Transcript (jezik: engleski). 22. 8. 1884. str. 6. Pristupljeno 1. 2. 2023 – preko
- ^ Reissman, August, The life and works of Robert Schumann (London: G. Bell and Sons 1886), translated by Abby Langdon Alger; via Hathi Trust
- ^ "Reissmann's 'Life of Schumann'". Boston Evening Transcript (jezik: engleski). 10. 4. 1886. str. 6. Pristupljeno 1. 2. 2023 – preko
- ^ Hugo, Victor (1888). The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (jezik: engleski). Prevod: Alger, Abby Langdon.
- ^ Hugo, Victor (1891). Hans of Iceland (jezik: engleski). Prevod: Alger, Abby Langdon. Boston: Estes & Lauriat.
- ^ Gratry, A., Guide to the knowledge of God, a study of the chief theodicies (Boston: Roberts Brothers 1892), translated by Abby Langdon Alger; via Hathi Trust
- ^ "Review of Gratry, Guide to the Knowledge of God". The Methodist Review (jezik: engleski). 75: 835–836. septembar 1893.
- ^ Figuier, Louis, Joys beyond the threshold: A sequel to The to-morrow of death (Boston: Roberts Brothers 1893), translated by Abby Langdon Alger; via Hathi Trust
- ^ Madame Blanc (Th. Bentzon), The Condition of Woman in the United States: A Traveler's Notes (Boston: Roberts Brothers 1895), translated by Abby Langdon Alger; via Hathi Trust
- ^ Renan, Ernest (1895). "My sister Henrietta". WorldCat (jezik: engleski). Abby Langdon Alger, translator. Boston: Roberts Brothers. Pristupljeno 31. 1. 2023.
- ^ Frederick, baron De La Motte Fouqué, Undine, a Tale (Boston: Ginn & Company 1897), translated by Abby Langdon Alger; via Hathi Trust
- ^ Saint Francis Assisi, The little flowers of Saint Francis of Assisi (Boston: Little, 1898), translated by Abby Langdon Alger; via Hathi Trust
- ^ "Saint Francis of Assisi". The Saint Paul Globe (jezik: engleski). 30. 10. 1898. str. 19. Pristupljeno 1. 2. 2023 – preko
- ^ Saintine, X.-B. (1899). Picciola (jezik: engleski). Prevod: Alger, Abby Langdon. Boston: Ginn & Co.
Vanjski linkovi
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Abby Landon Alger, In Indian Tents (1897), a LibriVox recording
- Victor Hugo, Hans of Iceland (1821), as translated by Abby L. Alger, a Librivox recording