Almendares (bejzbol klub)

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Almendares club je jedan od najstarijih i najuglednijih kubanskih bejzbol klubova. Osnovan je godine 1878. u distriktu Almendares, koji je tada bio predgrađe Havane. Almendares je postao jedan od najuspješnijih klubova u staroj Kubanskoj ligi koja je djelovala do 1961. Njegovi igrači su bili poznati pod nadimkom Plavi; kasnije su preuzeli nadimak Alacranes ili Škorpioni. Poznati su bili po suparništvu s klubom Habana.

Literatura[uredi | uredi izvor]

  • Alexander, Charles C. Breaking the Slump. Columbia University Press: New York, 2002
  • Carter, Thomas F. The Quality of Home Runs: The Passion, Politics, and Language of Cuban Baseball. Durham: Duke University Press, 2008
  • González Echevarría, Roberto (1999), The Pride of Havana: A History of Cuban Baseball, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-514605-0
  • Hatchwell, Emily., and Calder, Simon. Cuba: A Guide to the People, Politics and Culture. UK: Latin America Bureau, 1995
  • Kapacia, Antoni. Havana: The Making of Cuban Culture. Oxford: Berg, 2005
  • Perez Jr, Louis A. “Between Baseball and Bullfighting: The Quest for Nationality in Cuba, 1868-1898.” The Journal of American History,Vol.81, No. 2 (Sep., 1994), str. 493-517
  • Perez Jr, Louis A. On Becoming Cuban: Identity, Nationality, and Culture. University of North Carolina Press, 1999
  • Skinner, David. “Havana and Key West: Jose Mendez and the Scoreless Streak of 1908.” The National Pastime 24(Annual 2004):17