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Angela od Olorona

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Angela od Olorona (fra. Angela d’Oloron) bila je gospa Olorona[1] i vikontesa Béarna u srednjovjekovnoj Francuskoj.


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Angela je vrlo vjerovatno bila kćerka vikonta Anera Loupa i njegove supruge.[2]

Njen polubrat je možda bio vikont Loup Aner, sin njenog mogućeg oca i konkubine.

Udala se za vikonta Centulea IV Starijeg od Béarna, sina Gastona II.[3]

Angela i njen muž su bili roditelji trojice sinova:


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  1. ^ Idoia Estornes Zubizarreta, Bernardo Estornés Lasa. Enciclopedia general ilustrada del Pais Vasco: Enciclopedia sistemática. Arte, lengua y literatura, Opseg 1. Editorial Auñamendi, Estornes Lasa Hnos, 1969.
  2. ^ ANGELA. An undated charter records that "Centullus Gastonis vicecomes" refused to make reparations to Duke Sancho for his marriage to "Angelæ". According to Jaurgain, she was the daughter of Aner Loup Vicomte d’Oloron but he cites no primary source on which this is based. As a widow, she donated the church and village of Aubin to Sainte-Marie de Lescar.
  3. ^ Histoire de Bearn, contenant l'origine des rois de Nauarre, des ducs de Gascogne, marquis de Gothie, princes de Bearn, comtes de Carcassonne, de Foix, & de Bigorre. 1640. See this page.