Mary Morrissey

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Mary Morrissey (rođena 1949.) je američka autorica Nove misli[1][2] i aktivistica za međunarodno nenasilje.[3] Ona je autorica knjige Building Your Field of Dreams, koja opisuje Morrisseyjeve rane životne borbe i lekcije.[4][5] Ona je također autorica knjige Ni manje ni više od veličine, o iscjeljivanju odnosa.[6][7] Godine 2002. prikupila je i uredila knjigu Nova misao: Praktični Spiritualizam.[8] Američki pisac Wayne Dyer nazvao ju je "jednom od najvažnijih autora našeg vremena".[9]

Morrissey je bila aktivna od početka svoje karijere; 1995. suosnivala je Asocijaciju za globalnu novu misao i bila njena prva predsjednica.[1][10] Godine 1997. sarađivala je sa unukom Mahatme Gandija, Arunom Gandijem, na uspostavljanju Međunarodne sezone nenasilja .[3][11] U januaru 2019. godine, Sezona nenasilja je proslavljena širom svijeta kao prilika da se "zbliže zajednice, osnažujući ih da zamisle i pomognu u stvaranju svijeta bez nasilja".[12]

Rani život[uredi | uredi izvor]

Mary Morrissey (izvorno Manin) rođena je u Beavertonu, Oregon, 1949. godine. Kao 16-godišnjakinja bila je potpredsjednica svog razreda. Zatim se zaljubila u studenta i ubrzo ostala trudna.[13] Par se brzo vjenčao, ali zbog sramote tinejdžerske trudnoće sredinom šezdesetih, Morrissey je izbačena iz srednje škole.[13] Ubrzo nakon porođaja, smrtno se razboljela od infekcije bubrega, a ljekari su joj prognozirali još šest mjeseci života.[13][14] Morrissey je kasnije napisala da je vjerovala da je uzrok njene bolesti samo sramota, jer je "cijelu godinu provela osjećajući se loše zbog sramote koju je nanijela na sebe, svoju školu i svoju porodicu".[15] Nakon promjene mišljenja uzrokovane posjetom propovjednika njenom bolničkom krevetu, Morrissey se brzo oporavila.[13][16] Počela je proučavati polje Nove misli, koje je tada bilo relativno novo.[5][17]

Humanitarni rad i aktivizam[uredi | uredi izvor]

Morrissey je postala učiteljica, a 1975. postala je zaređena propovjednica.[18] Počela je da drži predavanja iz oblasti Nove misli,[19] duhovnog rasta[20] i nenasilja.[21] Postala je aktivistica i vođa pokreta Nove misli i pomogla je osnivanje duhovnih centara širom Sjedinjenih Država.[22] Prema Wayne Dyeru, njena "sposobnost da pronađe zajednički jezik koji se dotiče lično" joj je pomogla da komunicira sa ljudima različitih kultura.[23] Kao aktivna feministkinja u američkom drugom valu feminizma sedamdesetih, Morrissey se pridružila Barbari Marx Hubbard i Jean Houston kako bi osnovali Društvo za univerzalnog čovjeka.[24] Kasnije je pozvana da se pridruži Transformacijskom vijeću lidera, koji je osnovao Jack Canfield.[25][26] Mary Morrissey je radila sa Dalaj Lamom na pitanjima vezanim za globalni pokret nenasilja.[27][28][29] Suosnivala je Asocijaciju za globalnu novu misao 1995. i bila je njena prva predsjednica.[1][10] Kao dio svog humanitarnog rada, upoznala je Nelsona Mandelu u Južnoj Africi i kasnije je svom radu dodala njegova učenja o nenasilnom otporu .[30]

Kao aktivistica za međunarodno nenasilje, ona i Arun Gandhi, unuk Mahatme Gandija, osnovali su Sezonu za nenasilje .[3][11] Kao dio svog rada na Sezoni nenasilja, Morrissey je bila pozvana da se obrati Ujedinjenim nacijama, prvo o smanjenju nasilja,[21] a zatim i o potrebi za međunarodnom agendom za nenasilje.[3][31] Tokom decenija od svog osnivanja, Sezona nenasilja je rasla i sada se slavi i predaje širom sveta.[32] U januaru 2019. godine, Sezona nenasilja je proslavljena širom svijeta kako bi se „zbližile zajednice, osnažile ih da zamišljaju i pomognu u stvaranju svijeta bez nasilja“.[12]

Centar za obogaćivanje života[uredi | uredi izvor]

Morrissey je bila osnivačica Centra za obogaćivanje života u Oregonu,[33] ali su 2004. godine ona i njen tadašnji suprug bankrotirali. Tokom medijskog skandala koji je uslijedio, Morrissey se izvinila što je svoje pratioce navela na "finansijski rizičan put".[34][35] Preuzela je "punu odgovornost" za situaciju.[36] Postigla je nagodbu sa saveznom vladom prema kojoj je morala da vrati 10 miliona dolara duga.[34] Morrissey se kasnije razvela od muža i radila je narednih 14 godina da otplati svoj dug. Prema Morrisseyju, dug je otplaćen krajem 2018.[37]

Knjige[uredi | uredi izvor]

Building Your Field of Dreams (1996)[uredi | uredi izvor]

Glavni članak: Izgradnja vašeg polja snova

Izgradnja vašeg polja snova opisuje Morrisseyne borbe kao majke tinejdžerke i opisuje njen proces samospoznaje.[38] Magazin Publishers Weekly nazvao je knjigu "iskrenom", ali je i tvrdio da je puna "klišea".[38] Knjigu je usvojila zajednica za samorazvoj ; Wayne Dyer je napisao da knjiga "osvjetljava"[39], a autor Gay Hendricks nazvao je knjigu "izvorom duhovne mudrosti".[39] Knjiga je postala popularna[40] i korištena je kao udžbenik širom Sjedinjenih Država.[41][42][43][44] Časopis Peninsula Daily News nazvao je knjigu "metafizičkim klasikom".[45] U svojoj knjizi The Art of Being, autor Dennis Merrit navodi Building Your Field of Dreams među preporučenim štivom za čitaoce zainteresirane za meditaciju svijesti .[46] Autorka Tess Keehn piše u svojoj knjizi Alhemijsko naslijeđe da je izgradnja vašeg polja snova bila ključna za pomoć u stvaranju ploča za vizije.[47] Autor Sage Bennet citira, u A Wisdom Walk, Morrisseyevu knjigu Building Your Field of Dreams kao izvor za učenje o novom razmišljanju.[48] U okviru žanra, stekla je međunarodnu slavu,[49] a njena španjolska verzija se čak 25 godina nakon objavljivanja smatra jednom od glavnih knjiga u oblasti spiritualizma.[50][51]

Ništa manje od veličine (2001)[uredi | uredi izvor]

Glavni članak: Ne manje od veličine

Veze su često bile u središtu učenja Mary Morrissey, govoreći o napetosti između muškosti i ženstvenosti.[52] Tokom godina pisala je članke i kolumne za razne novine i časopise, često se fokusirajući na odnose iz duhovne perspektive.[29][53][54] U svojoj knjizi Ne manje od veličine : Pronalaženje savršene ljubavi u nesavršenim vezama, Morrissey se prvenstveno bavila izgradnjom odnosa. Magazin Publishers Weekly je napisao da je knjiga ponekad "suvišna", ali je primijetio da bi Morrisseyjevo pripovijedanje "dopalo mnogim poklonicima žanra duhovne samopomoći".[55] Knjiga je korištena kao nastavno sredstvo na međunarodnom nivou.[56][57] Autor Gary Zukav nazvao je knjigu "praktičnom i inspirativnom",[58] a autorka Marianne Williamson je napisala da knjiga "treba biti pratilac svakog para."[59] Robert LaCrosse je naveo ništa manje od veličine kao preporučeni izvor u svojoj knjizi Učenje od razvoda .[60] Autor Dennis Jones preporučio je Ne manje od veličine u svojoj knjizi The Art of Being iz 2008.[46] Neale Donald Walsch, u svojoj knjizi Tomorrow's God, preporučio je "čitalačku zabavu" koja je uključivala Ništa manje od veličine među ostalim ključnim knjigama ovog žanra.[61]

Nova misao: praktični spiritualizam (2002)[uredi | uredi izvor]

Glavni članak: Nova misao: praktični spiritualizam

Morrissey je svojim učenjima dodala izvore iz Biblije,[55] Kurs čuda,[55] Talmud,[54] Dowager,[62] Henry David Thoreau[63] i druge. Želeći da koherentnije predstavi pokret Nove misli, prikupila je i uredila knjigu Nova misao: Praktični Spiritualizam . Knjiga koju je objavio Penguin 2002. godine, sadrži kratke eseje oko 40 vođa Nove misli.[40] Knjiga je postala izvor za akademska istraživanja: u knjizi Alternative Psychotherapies, Jean Mercer ju je opisao kao ključni izvor za razumijevanje "odnosa s duhovnim svijetom".[64] U knjizi Jones & Bartlett iz 2009. Spiritualism, Health, and Healing: An Integrative Approach, autori Young i Koopsen naveli su Morrisseyevu knjigu kao izvor za razlikovanje između pokreta New Thought i New Age, tvrdeći da "Nova misao nije New Age " i citirajući Morrisseyevu knjigu.[65] Gurui moderne joge sa Oxford University Press -a, pozivaju se na Morrisseyevu knjigu Nova misao kao glavni izvor za produbljivanje nečijeg razumijevanja pokreta Nove misli.[66][67]

Ostali radovi[uredi | uredi izvor]

Tokom decenija Mary Morrissey je pisala članke i kolumne za novine,[68] časopise,[53][54] i knjige.[69][70] Ovo uključuje redovno pojavljivanje u časopisu " Success" .[29][71] Citati preuzeti iz njenih knjiga objavljeni su u međunarodnim časopisima,[72][73] kao iu knjigama.[74][75] Reference i citati iz njenih učenja pojavljuju se u knjigama za samopomoć,[76][77][78] knjigama o kršćanskim učenjima,[79][80][81] knjigama o osnaživanju,[82][83][84] nalazima profesija,[85][86] i sreća .[87][88] Simon & Schusterova serija Poultry Brodge for the Soul često počinje poglavlja njenih učenja.[89][90]

Kao autoritet unutar pokreta Nove misli,[91] pripisuje joj se da je inspiracija za pisanje nekoliko knjiga, uključujući The Conscious Heart,[92] The Art of Being,[93] The Inspired Vivio,[94] Mala zadovoljstva, [95] Dvadeset uslova za čudo,[96] Iscjeljenje od depresije,[97] Pozitivna energija,[98] Devedeset sekundi za život koji volite,[63][99] Do pakla i nazad,[100] i drugi.[101] Njeno vješto pisanje učinilo ju je, prema knjizi Alana Cohena Deal with Prayer, "jednom od najcjenjenijih propovjednika u pokretu Nove misli".[102] Njena učenja su se pojavila u knjigama širom svijeta.[103][104] Posebnu slavu stekla je u Rusiji,[105][106] i takođe na Dalekom istoku, gde su njena učenja predavana u Indoneziji[107] i Kini .[108][109]

Medijski nastupi[uredi | uredi izvor]

Na radiju, Mary Morrissoy je htela da koristi emitovanje kako bi „napravila razliku u svetu“.[110] Morrisseyjevi radijski programi emitirani su na međunarodnom nivou.[13][111][112] Autorica je audio programa, uključujući The Eleven Forgotten Laws sa Bobom Proctorom.[113] Na televiziji se pojavio dvosatni televizijski specijal PBS -a: Building Dreams, koji je adaptiran iz njene knjige Building Your Field of Dreams .[114][115] Njeni brojni specijalni programi na PBS-u su se emitovali sve do 2000-ih.[116] Njeni televizijski programi su se pojavljivali na raznim kanalima, uključujući televizijske stanice povezane s NBC- om,[9] i, sa pojavom interneta, na web stranici za emitovanje Gaia.[117] U bioskopu, Morrissey je bila rani zagovornik duhovne kinematografije,[118] i tokom godina se pojavila u mnogim dokumentarnim filmovima o toj oblasti. Godine 2005. pojavila se u The Moses Code .[119][120][121] Godine 2007. pojavila se zajedno s Eckhartom Tolleom na Živim svjetlima,[122][123] film je kasnije prepoznat među najboljim duhovnim dokumentarcima.[124] Godine 2009. sudjelovala je u filmu Beyond the Secret, zajedno sa Les Brownom.[125] 2010. godine pojavila se u filmu " Otkrijte dar" zajedno sa Dalaj Lamom .[126][127] Iste godine pojavila se i u filmu La Ena Pezo.[128] Godine 2014. pojavila se u filmu Sacred Journey of the Heart,[129][130] koji je osvojio nagradu za kategoriju najboljeg filma na Međunarodnom filmskom festivalu za okoliš, zdravlje i kulturu.[131]

Njen TEDx govor iz 2016. godine, Skriveni kod za transformaciju snova u stvarnost, prikupio je preko milion pregleda na YouTube-u .[132]

Kritika[uredi | uredi izvor]

U svojoj knjizi Shadow Medicine: Placebo u konvencionalnim i alternativnim terapijama, John S. Haller upozorava da se alternativni pristupi medicini, poput onih Mary Morrissey, ne bi trebali smatrati zamjenom za konvencionalnu medicinu.[133]

Bibliografija[uredi | uredi izvor]

  • Izgradite svoje polje snova, Mary Morrissey, Random House, 1996.ISBN 978-0-553-10214-7
  • Ništa manje od veličine, Mary Morrissey, Random House, 2001.ISBN 978-0-553-10653-4[134]
  • Nova misao: Praktični Spiritualizam, Mary Morrissey (urednica), Penguin, 2002.ISBN 978-1-58542-142-8
  • Leadership from the Dark, Mary Murray Shelton, Mary Morrissey (predgovor), Putnam/Penguin, 2002.ISBN 978-1-58542-003-2
  • Otkrijte dar, Shajen Joy Aziz, Mary Morrissey (suradnik), Ebury Publishing, 2010.ISBN 978-1-4464-8936-9
  • Žene duha, Katherine Martin, Mary Morrissey (suradnica), New World Library, 2010.ISBN 978-1-57731-823-1[135]
  • Crtež od Boga, Debbie Belmessieri, Mary Morrissey (predgovor) Hay House, 2011.ISBN 978-1-4525-3525-8
  • Čokolada za žensku dušu, Kay Allenbaugh, Mary Morrissey (suradnik), Simon i Schuster, 2012.ISBN 978-1-4767-1452-3[70] (također na španskom)[70]
  • Neustrašive žene: Vizije novog svijeta, Mary Ann Halpin, Mary Morrissey (suradnica), Greenleaf Book Group, 2012.ISBN 978-0-9851143-0-5 .[136]
  • U njenoj moći, Helene Lerner, Mary Morrissey (suradnica) Simon i Schuster, 2012.ISBN 978-1-58270-270-4
  • Rođeni ste za uspjeh, Evelyn Roberts Brooks, Mary Morrissey (predgovor), Hay House, 2014.ISBN 9781452586656
  • Quantum Success, Christy Whitman, Mary Morrissey (suradnik), Simon i Schuster, 2018. (str. 17-23).ISBN 978-1-5011-7902-0 .[137]

Bilješke[uredi | uredi izvor]

  1. ^ a b c "Spiritual Center Offers New Program." Chicago Tribune, 11 Aug 2011, Page 7
  2. ^ Carter, Andrew. "Walston Committed to Helping People." The Marion Star - USA Today Network, 18 Feb 2020, Page A3
  3. ^ a b c d "Exploring the Sacred," The World (Coos Bay, Oregon), 17 Jul 2006, Page 6
  4. ^ "Religion Book Review: Building Your Field of Dreams by Mary Manin Morrissey, Author Bantam Books $22.95 (282p) ISBN 978-0-553-10214-7". Retrieved October 4, 2021
  5. ^ a b New Perspective, The Sacramento Bee, 5 Jun 1999, Page 2
  6. ^ "No Less Than Greatness by Mary Manin Morrissey |". February 13, 2016. Archived from the original on February 13, 2016. Retrieved October 4, 2021 as well as
  7. ^ "Nonfiction Book Review: NO LESS THAN GREATNESS: Finding Perfect Love in Imperfect Relationships by Mary Manin Morrissey, Author . Bantam $23.95 (288p) ISBN 978-0-553-10653-4". Retrieved October 4, 2021
  8. ^ "New Thought by Mary Manin Morrissey: 9781585421428 | Books". Retrieved October 4, 2021
  9. ^ a b Dyer, Wayne. "Mary Manin Morrissey, Author of Building Your Field of Dreams" The Los Angeles Times, 13 Mar 1997
  10. ^ a b "AGNT Leadership Council". Retrieved September 27, 2021
  11. ^ a b
  12. ^ a b Titus, John and Bev (January 30, 2019). "Season for Nonviolence begins 5th season". Urbana Daily Citizen. Retrieved October 2, 2021
  13. ^ a b c d e "A Minister Explains How New Thought Changed Her Life", The Gettysburg Times, 16 Jun 1999, Page 8
  14. ^ Mitchell, Mary E. (2014). The Practitioner Handbook for Spiritual Mind Healing. Red Wheel/Weiser/Conari. pp. Chapter 23. ISBN 978-0-917849-34-3 as well as
  15. ^ New Perspective, The Sacramento Bee, 5 Jun 1999, Page H1
  16. ^ Smith, Sandra Lindsey (2014). Life's Garden of Weekly Wisdom. Red Wheel/Weiser/Conari. ISBN 978-0-917849-36-7 as well as as well as
  17. ^ "Religion: Minister Explains How 'New Thought' Changed Her Life." Citizens' Voice, 29 Mar 2000, Page 23
  18. ^ Morrissey, Mary Manin (2002). No Less Than Greatness: The Seven Spiritual Principles That Make Real Love Possible. Random House Publishing Group. ISBN 978-0-553-89694-7
  19. ^ Awakened Dreams, The Desert Sun, 23 Apr 1999, Page 15
  20. ^ "ALTERNATIVE: Rev. Mary Manin Morrissey Talks About Spiritual Growth", Chicago Tribune, 28 Sep 2001, Page 133
  21. ^ a b No Less Than Greatness: The Seven Spiritual Principles That Make Real Love, By Mary Manin Morrissey, p. 277
  22. ^ "Where Love Is Left and Lives Are Changed: Spokane Spiritual Center", The Spokesman-Review, 19 Dec 1998, Page 73
  23. ^ Martin-Burk, Elizabeth. "Spiritual Life Center Counts Down to Planned Workshop" The Press-Tribune (Roseville, California) 08 Sep 2000, Page 6
  24. ^ Hubbard, Barbara Marx (2010). Conscious Evolution: Awakening the Power of Our Social Potential. New World Library. ISBN 978-1-57731-281-9 as well as as well as
  25. ^ "Transformational Leadership Council - Member public profile". Retrieved October 2, 2021
  26. ^ Patterson, Michelle (2014). Women Change the World: Noteworthy Women on Cultivating Your Potential and Achieving Success. BenBella Books. p. 101. ISBN 978-1-939529-17-6 as well as as well as
  27. ^ Kipp, Mastin (2017). Claim Your Power. Hay House. pp. Day 34. ISBN 978-1-4019-4955-6. as well as as well as
  28. ^ White, Barbara. Golden, Howard (ed.). "Grow Your Dream". Body Mind Spirit. Golden Galleries. October 2012: 9
  29. ^ a b c Morrissey, Mary (January 12, 2017). "What the Dalai Lama Taught Me About Relationships". SUCCESS. Retrieved October 5, 2021
  30. ^ Morrissey, Mary (October 26, 2016). "What My Conversation with Nelson Mandela Taught Me About Finding Purpose Amidst Suffering". HuffPost. Retrieved October 30, 2021
  31. ^ Belmessieri, Debbie (2011). Tapping into God: Experiencing the Spiritual Spectrum. BalboaPress. p. 310. ISBN 978-1-4525-3525-8 as well as
  32. ^ "Arhivirana kopija". Arhivirano s originala, 30. 10. 2021. Pristupljeno 5. 8. 2022.CS1 održavanje: arhivirana kopija u naslovu (link)
  33. ^ Perkins-Reed, Marcia (April 3, 1996). Thriving in Transition: Effective Living in Times of Change. Simon and Schuster. p. 127. ISBN 978-0-684-81189-5
  34. ^ a b "Former Church Leaders Agree To Federal Settlement", Albany Democrat-Herald, 7 Apr 2005, Page 7
  35. ^ "Beaverton Church Folds", The World (Coos Bay), 6 Aug 2004, Page 5
  36. ^ Ardagh, Arjuna (2010). The Translucent Revolution: How People Just Like You Are Waking Up and Changing the World. New World Library. p. 366. ISBN 978-1-57731-808-8 as well as
  37. ^ 089: Bouncing Back from Massive Setbacks with Mary Morrissey, retrieved October 2, 2021
  38. ^ a b "Religion Book Review: Building Your Field of Dreams". Publishers Weekly. July 1996. Retrieved October 2, 2021
  39. ^ a b Morrissey, Mary Manin (1997). Building Your Field of Dreams. Random House Publishing Group. p. 288. ISBN 978-0-553-37814-6 as well as
  40. ^ a b "New Thought by Mary Manin Morrissey: 9781585421428 | Books". Retrieved October 2, 2021
  41. ^ See The Kansas City Star, 23 May 1998, Page 61, "Rev. Mary Omwake Speaking Using The Book 'Building Your Field of Dreams'"
  42. ^ Mary Morrissey: Fulfilling Your Dreams, The Los Angeles Times, 6 Nov 1997, Page 24
  43. ^ "An Adventure in Spirit", The Kansas City Star, 2 May 1998, Page 63
  44. ^ "The Spirit of Joy," LA Weekly, 17 Apr 1997, Page 60, "the most powerful spiritual voices in the New Thought Movement."
  45. ^ Douglas-Smith, Pam. "Living End: Cultivating Blessings". Peninsula Daily News Magazine: Living on the Peninsula. September 2016: 38.
  46. ^ a b Jones, Dennis Merritt (2008). The Art of Being: 101 Ways to Practice Purpose in Your Life. Penguin. ISBN 978-1-4406-3575-5 as well as
  47. ^ M.S, Tess Keehn (November 19, 2015). Alchemical Inheritance: Embracing What Is, Manifesting What Becomes. Balboa Press. ISBN 978-1-5043-4347-3 as well as
  48. ^ PhD, Sage Bennet (2010). Wisdom Walk: Nine Practices for Creating Peace and Balance from the World's Spiritual Traditions. New World Library. pp. Chapter 8. ISBN 978-1-57731-822-4 as well as as well as
  49. ^ Lamothe, Denise (2002). The Taming of the Chew: A Holistic Guide to Stopping Compulsive Eating. Penguin. pp. Reading List Section. ISBN 978-1-4406-5101-4 as well as
  50. ^ "10 libros que conseguirán que tu vida sea como tú siempre quisiste". (in Spanish). July 9, 2016. Retrieved October 2, 2021.
  51. ^ F, J. (May 24, 2019). "Diez libros que conseguirán que tu vida sea como soñaste". Levante-EMV (in Spanish). Retrieved October 2, 2021
  52. ^ In his book, Friendship with God, author Neale Donald Walsch states that Morrissey's teachings opened his eyes to toxic masculinity. Walsch, Neale Donald (2002). Friendship with God: An Uncommon Dialogue. Penguin. ISBN 978-1-101-65945-8 as well as
  53. ^ a b "The Real Reason Some People Just Can't Find Love". YourTango. February 16, 2017. Retrieved October 2, 2021
  54. ^ a b c Morrissey, Mary (October 24, 2014). "What Would You Love?". HuffPost. Retrieved October 4, 2021
  55. ^ a b c "Nonfiction Book Review: NO LESS THAN GREATNESS". Publishers Weekly. August 7, 2001. Retrieved October 2, 2021
  56. ^ Carter, Andrew. "Aces of Trades: Walston helping people through life coaching". The Marion Star. Retrieved October 2, 2021
  57. ^ "No Less Than Greatness By Mary Morrissey", Times Colonist (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada), 11 Jan 2003, Page 44
  58. ^ Morrissey, Mary Manin (August 27, 2002). No Less Than Greatness: The Seven Spiritual Principles That Make Real Love Possible. Random House Publishing Group. p. 279. ISBN 978-0-553-89694-7 as well as
  59. ^ Malinowski, Bronislaw; Morrissey, Mary Manin (August 27, 2002). No Less Than Greatness. Bantam Books. ISBN 978-5-551-12057-5 as well as
  60. ^ Coates, Christie; LaCrosse, Robert (November 10, 2003). Learning From Divorce: How to Take Responsibility, Stop the Blame, and Move On. John Wiley & Sons. p. 248. ISBN 978-0-7879-7193-9
  61. ^ Walsch, Neale Donald (January 4, 2005). Tomorrow's God: Our Greatest Spiritual Challenge. Simon and Schuster. p. 230. ISBN 978-0-7434-6304-1
  62. ^ Krause, Wanda (2013). Spiritual Activism: Keys for Personal and Political Success. Red Wheel/Weiser/Conari. ISBN 978-1-61852-068-5 as well as as well as
  63. ^ a b Joan Rosenberg mentions Morrissey being her "premier" teacher. See: Joan Rosenberg mentions Morrissey being her "premier" teacher. See: Rosenberg, Joan (2019). 90 Seconds to a Life You Love: How to Turn Difficult Feelings into Rock-Solid Confidence. Hodder & Stoughton. ISBN 978-1-4736-8702-8 as well as as well as
  64. ^ Mercer, Jean (July 30, 2014). Alternative Psychotherapies: Evaluating Unconventional Mental Health Treatments. Rowman & Littlefield. pp. 17, 210. ISBN 978-1-4422-3492-5 as well as
  65. ^ Young, Caroline; Koopsen, Cyndie (August 15, 2010). Spirituality, Health, and Healing: An Integrative Approach. Jones & Bartlett Publishers. pp. 25, 33. ISBN 978-0-7637-7942-9 as well as
  66. ^ Singleton, Mark; Goldberg, Ellen, eds. (2013). Gurus of Modern Yoga. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 67, 77
  67. ^ PhD, Sage Bennet (October 6, 2010). Wisdom Walk: Nine Practices for Creating Peace and Balance from the World's Spiritual Traditions. New World Library. ISBN 978-1-57731-822-4 as well as
  68. ^ New Age: The Journal for Holistic Living, Volume 18, 2001
  69. ^ Trudel, John D.; Ungson, Gerardo R. (September 28, 1998). Engines Of Prosperity: Templates For The Information Age. World Scientific. pp. 387, note 6. ISBN 978-1-78326-242-7 as well as
  70. ^ a b c Allenbaugh, Kay (May 11, 2000). Chocolate Para El Alma de la Mujer: 77 Relatos Para Nutrir Su Espiritu Y Reconfortar Su Corazon (in Spanish). Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-0-684-87083-0 as well as
  71. ^ Morrissey, Mary. "Mary Morrissey, Author at SUCCESS". SUCCESS. Retrieved October 5, 2021
  72. ^ "Mary Morrissey", The Miami Herald, 19 Jan 2007, Page 171
  73. ^ Murray, Josey (July 20, 2021). "This Beyoncé Quote Is Exactly What You Need To Move On". Women's Health. Retrieved October 2, 2021
  74. ^ Chang, Larry (2006). Wisdom for the Soul: Five Millennia of Prescriptions for Spiritual Healing. Gnosophia Publishers. p. 256. ISBN 978-0-9773391-0-5 as well as
  75. ^ Robinson, Lynn A. (January 1, 2009). Compass of the Soul: 52 Ways Intuition Can Guide You to the Life of Your Dreams. Andrews McMeel Publishing/Simon & Schuster. ISBN 978-0-7407-8678-5 as well as as well as as well as
  76. ^ Friesen, Tracy (2014). Ride the Waves - Volume II. Hay House. p. 284. ISBN 978-1-4525-2249-4 as well as
  77. ^ Norville, Deborah (2009). The Power of Respect: Benefit from the Most Forgotten Element of Success. Thomas Nelson (publisher). p. 59. ISBN 978-1-4185-8629-4 as well as
  78. ^ Fishel, Ruth (2010). Change Almost Anything in 21 Days: Recharge Your Life with the Power of Over 500 Affirmations. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-0-7573-9989-3 as well as
  79. ^ MA, Ron Price (2020). Play Nice in Your Sandbox at Church. Morgan James Publishing. ISBN 978-1-64279-986-6 as well as as well as
  80. ^ Gugliotti, Nick (2006). I Had Other Plans, Lord: How God Turns Pain Into Power. David C. Cook. p. 33. ISBN 978-0-7814-4304-3 as well as as well as
  81. ^ Sweet, Leonard (2012). I Am a Follower: The Way, Truth, and Life of Following Jesus. Thomas Nelson. ISBN 978-0-8499-4916-6 as well as as well as
  82. ^ Allenbaugh, Kay (2012). Chocolate for a Woman's Soul: 77 Stories to Feed Your Spirit and Warm Your Heart. Simon and Schuster. p. 172. ISBN 978-1-4767-1452-3 as well as
  83. ^ Beck, Meryl Hershey (2012). Stop Eating Your Heart Out: The 21-Day Program to Free Yourself from Emotional Eating. Red Wheel/Weiser/Conari. p. 171. ISBN 978-1-57324-545-6 as well as as well as
  84. ^ Allenbaugh, Kay (2007). Chocolate for a Teen's Spirit: Inspiring Stories for Young Women About Hope, Strength, and Wisdom. Simon and Schuster. p. 56. ISBN 978-0-7432-3385-9 as well as
  85. ^ Toms, Michael; Toms, Justine (March 23, 1999). True Work: Doing What You Love and Loving What You Do. Harmony/Penguin Random House. ISBN 978-0-609-60566-0 as well as
  86. ^ Robinson, Lynn A. (December 3, 2012). Divine Intuition: Your Inner Guide to Purpose, Peace, and Prosperity. John Wiley & Sons. ISBN 978-1-118-23852-3 as well as
  87. ^ Klein, Allen (October 9, 2012). The Art of Living Joyfully: How to be Happier Every Day of the Year. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-1-936740-28-4 as well as
  88. ^ Klein, Allen (2015). You Can't Ruin My Day. Cleis Press. p. 37. ISBN 978-1-63228-022-0 as well as as well as
  89. ^ Canfield, Jack; Hansen, Mark Victor (2012). Chicken Soup for the Soul Children with Special Needs: Stories of Love and Understanding for Those Who Care for Children with Disabilities. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-1-4532-7582-5 as well as
  90. ^ Canfield, Jack; Hansen, Mark Victor; Newmark, Amy (2013). Chicken Soup for the Soul: Miraculous Messages from Heaven: 101 Stories of Eternal Love, Powerful Connections, and Divine Signs from Beyond. Simon and Schuster. p. 157. ISBN 978-1-61159-228-3 as well as
  91. ^ She is among the authors thanked by the Hendricks for having "been with uson our incredible journey": She is among the authors thanked by the Hendricks for having "been with uson our incredible journey": Hendricks, Gay; Hendricks, Kathlyn (2009). The Conscious Heart: Seven Soul-Choices That Create Your Relationship Destiny. Random House Publishing Group. pp. xi. ISBN 978-0-307-57308-7 as well as
  92. ^ Morrissey is among a few figures thanked by Dennis Merritt Jones for having "inspired" and "encouraged" him to write the book: Morrissey is among a few figures thanked by Dennis Merritt Jones for having "inspired" and "encouraged" him to write the book: Jones, Dennis Merritt (April 17, 2008). The Art of Being: 101 Ways to Practice Purpose in Your Life. Penguin. ISBN 978-1-4406-3575-5 as well as
  93. ^ Morrissey is mentioned by author Susyn Reeve among the sources to have given her "the encouragement and the tools" that eventually led to the writing of 'The Inspired Life'. See: Morrissey is mentioned by author Susyn Reeve among the sources to have given her "the encouragement and the tools" that eventually led to the writing of 'The Inspired Life'. See: Reeve, Susyn (October 11, 2011). The Inspired Life: Unleashing Your Mind's Capacity for Joy. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-1-936740-07-9 as well as
  94. ^ Author Justine Toms mentions Morrissey's teaching twice in her book 'Small Pleasures', having taught her principles that assisted in her work in 'New Dimensions' and subsequently led to the writing of the book. See: Author Justine Toms mentions Morrissey's teaching twice in her book 'Small Pleasures', having taught her principles that assisted in her work in 'New Dimensions' and subsequently led to the writing of the book. See:oms, Justine (August 28, 2008). Small Pleasures: Finding Grace in a Chaotic World. Hampton Roads Publishing. ISBN 978-1-61283-026-1 as well as as well as
  95. ^ Author Todd Michael mentioned Morrissey's help in bringing the book 'The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle' to the "attention of thousands". See: Author Todd Michael mentioned Morrissey's help in bringing the book 'The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle' to the "attention of thousands". See: Michael, Todd (2008). The Twelve Conditions of a Miracle: The Miracle Worker's Handbook. Penguin. ISBN 978-1-4406-3851-0 as well as
  96. ^ Bloch, Douglas (2009). Healing from Depression. Nicolas-Hays. pp. Morrissey's teachings are mentioned eight times in the book. ISBN 978-0-89254-596-4 as well as
  97. ^ Rosenberg, Joan I.; Ph.D. "How to Live a Life by Design". Live Happy Magazine. Retrieved October 5, 2021
  98. ^ Steven B. Heird writes of Morrissey being one of four "mentors" that helped him in his spiritual journey, offering a "special thank you." See: Steven B. Steven B. Heird writes of Morrissey being one of four "mentors" that helped him in his spiritual journey, offering a "special thank you." See: Steven B. Heird, Steven B. (2015). To Hell and Back: A Surgeon's Story of Addiction: 12 Prescriptions for Awareness. Morgan James Publishing. pp. xiii. ISBN 978-1-63047-234-4 as well as as well as
  99. ^ Waller, Keith. "News Briefs". Natural Awakenings. March 2012 (Grand Strand Edition): 5–6. Mary Morrissey [...] one of the elite teachers in the human potential movement
  100. ^ Author Judith Orloff thanks Morrissey, among others, in the Acknowledgements section in her book 'Positive Energy'. See: Author Judith Orloff thanks Morrissey, among others, in the Acknowledgements section in her book 'Positive Energy'. See: Orloff, Judith (2004). Positive Energy: 10 Extraordinary Prescriptions for Transforming Fatigue, Stress, and Fear into Vibrance, Strength, and Love. Random House. pp. VIII. ISBN 978-1-4000-5452-7 as well as as well as
  101. ^ Orloff, Judith (June 14, 2016). Vindecarea intuitivă. Ghid practic. Sănătate fizică, emoțională și sexuală în 5 pași (in Romanian). Elefant Online. ISBN 978-606-8309-53-8 as well as
  102. ^ Cohen, Alan (1999). Handle With Prayer. Hay House, Inc. p. 115. ISBN 978-1-4019-2991-6 as well as
  103. ^ LEVINE, MARGIE (2006). SUPERAR EL CANCER: Un programa para afrontar un diagnóstico de cáncer (in Spanish). Editorial AMAT. p. 156. ISBN 978-84-9735-253-6 as well as
  104. ^ Lichtenstein, Demian; Aziz, Shajen Joy (October 2, 2012). The gift: ontdek waarom je hier bent (in Dutch). Unieboek | Het Spectrum. ISBN 978-90-00-31870-4 as well as
  105. ^ Macdonald, Richard. The 7 Bad habits (in Indonesian). PT Mizan Publika. p. 45. ISBN 978-979-1140-90-4 as well as
  106. ^ "Когда я начал наблюдать за собой". (in Russian). September 28, 2018. Retrieved October 6, 2021 Arhivirano 7. 10. 2021. na Wayback Machine
  107. ^ Svoboda, Martin. "Мэри Манин Моррисси цитаты | Цитаты известных личностей". (in Russian). Retrieved October 6, 2021
  108. ^ PhD), 瓊恩·羅森伯格博士(Joan I. Rosenberg, (June 11, 2021). 黃金90秒情緒更新:頂尖心理學家教你面對情緒浪潮,化不愉快為真正的自由與力量 (in Chinese (Taiwan)). 三采文化股份有限公司. ISBN 978-957-658-593-7 as well as
  109. ^ "26 Quotes of Faith". World Psychology (in Chinese)
  110. ^ Quarles, Crystal. "A Spiritual Coach Making a Difference In The World Through Radio." Pensacola News Journal, 24 Feb 2008, Page 41
  111. ^ "Mary Manin Morrissey". Unity Online Radio. Retrieved October 2, 2021
  112. ^ The Honolulu Advertiser, 18 Aug 2000, Page 51
  113. ^ "Arhivirana kopija". Arhivirano s originala, 21. 7. 2012. Pristupljeno 5. 8. 2022.CS1 održavanje: arhivirana kopija u naslovu (link)
  114. ^ Corvallis Gazette-Times, 5 Dec 1999, Page 94
  115. ^ "Mary Manin Morrissey | Penguin Random House". Retrieved October 2, 2021
  116. ^ The News Journal (Wilmington, Delaware), 6 Aug 2000, Page 136
  117. ^ "Living in Balance - Season 1 - Episode113: No Less Than Greatness (Mary Manin Morrissey)". Retrieved October 2, 2021
  118. ^ Simon, Stephen; Hendricks, Gay (2005). Spiritual Cinema: A Guide to Movies that Inspire, Heal and Empower Your Life. Hay House, Inc. ISBN 978-1-4019-3286-2 as well as
  119. ^ "The Moses Code :: Featured". March 6, 2008. Archived from the original on March 6, 2008. Retrieved October 2, 2021
  120. ^ The Moses Code - Beyond The Secret - (Full Version), retrieved October 2, 2021
  121. ^ Hunter, Jeanette (2014). Seasons of Joy: My Spiritual Journey to Self Discovery. Hay House. ISBN 978-1-4525-1681-3 as well as as well as
  122. ^ "Living Luminaries Movie Official Page". Living Luminaries Movie Official Page. Retrieved October 2, 2021
  123. ^ Living Luminaries: On the Serious Business of Happiness (2007) - IMDb, retrieved October 2, 2021
  124. ^ Redacción (March 4, 2019). "50 PELÍCULAS Y DOCUMENTALES PARA ABRIR LA CONCIENCIA". (in Spanish). Retrieved October 2, 2021
  125. ^ Beyond the Secret (2009) - IMDb, retrieved October 27, 2021
  126. ^ "Mary Manin Morrissey - Discover The Gift". Retrieved October 2, 2021
  127. ^ Discover the Gift (2010) - IMDb, retrieved October 2, 2021
  128. ^ Demaine, Lisa (August 6, 2015), The Inner Weigh (Documentary), Powerful Entertainment, The Inner Weigh, retrieved October 27, 2021
  129. ^ "Sacred Journey of the Heart - Movie". The Sopris Sun. Retrieved October 2, 2021
  130. ^ Sacred Journey of the Heart, retrieved October 2, 2021
  131. ^ "Winners - International Film Festival Environment, Health, and Culture". Retrieved October 2, 2021 Arhivirano 23. 9. 2015. na Wayback Machine
  132. ^ The Hidden Code For Transforming Dreams Into Reality | Mary Morrissey | TEDxWilmingtonWomen, retrieved October 2, 2021
  133. ^ John Haller noted that Morrissey was considered a "celebrity healer" whose advice is sometimes to "replace conventional medicine." See: John Haller noted that Morrissey was considered a "celebrity healer" whose advice is sometimes to "replace conventional medicine." See: Haller Jr, John S. (2014). Shadow Medicine: The Placebo in Conventional and Alternative Therapies. Columbia University Press. pp. xviii. ISBN 978-0-231-53770-4 as well as
  134. ^ "You Can Change Your Life." The Sacramento Bee, 27 Jan 2002, Page 293
  135. ^ Martin, Katherine (2010). Women of Spirit: Stories of Courage from the Women Who Lived Them. New World Library. ISBN 978-1-57731-823-1 as well as as well as
  136. ^ Fearless Women: Visions of a New World. Greenleaf Book Group Llc. March 24, 2012. ISBN 978-0-9851143-0-5 as well as
  137. ^ Whitman, Christy (2018). Quantum Success: 7 Essential Laws for a Thriving, Joyful, and Prosperous Relationship with Work and Money. Simon and Schuster. ISBN 978-1-5011-7902-0 Arhivirano 1. 4. 2023. na Wayback Machine as well as