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Claude Elwood Shannon
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Red 53: Red 53:
* Eduard Rhein Nagrada, 1991
* Eduard Rhein Nagrada, 1991
* "National Inventors" kuća slavnih, 2004. (posthumno)
* "National Inventors" kuća slavnih, 2004. (posthumno)

==Vanjski linkovi==

*[http://hdl.handle.net/1721.1/11174 C. E. Shannon, ''An algebra for theoretical genetics,'' Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ph.D. Thesis, MIT-THESES//1940–3 (1940) Online text at MIT]
*[http://www.genealogy.math.ndsu.nodak.edu/id.php?id=42920 Shannon's math genealogy]
*[http://www.nndb.com/people/934/000023865/ Shannon's NNDB profile]
*{{worldcat id|lccn-n92-78142}}
*[http://cm.bell-labs.com/cm/ms/what/shannonday/paper.html ''A Mathematical Theory of Communication'']
*[http://netlab.cs.ucla.edu/wiki/files/shannon1949.pdf ''Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems'']
*[http://www.stanford.edu/class/ee104/shannonpaper.pdf ''Communication in the Presence of Noise'']
*[http://www.alcatel-lucent.com/wps/portal/!ut/p/kcxml/04_Sj9SPykssy0xPLMnMz0vM0Y_QjzKLd4w3MfQFSYGYRq6m-pEoYgbxjgiRIH1vfV-P_NxU_QD9gtzQiHJHR0UAAD_zXg!!/delta/base64xml/L0lJayEvUUd3QndJQSEvNElVRkNBISEvNl9BXzdNVC9lbl93dw!!?LMSG_CABINET=Bell_Labs&LMSG_CONTENT_FILE=News_Features/News_Feature_Detail_000160.xml Summary of Shannon's life and career]
*[http://neilsloane.com/doc/shannonbio.html Biographical summary from Shannon's collected papers]
*[http://www.ucsd.tv/search-details.asp?showID=6090 Video documentary: "Claude Shannon - Father of the Information Age"]
*[http://web.mit.edu/6.933/www/Fall2001/Shannon1.pdf Mathematical Theory of Claude Shannon] In-depth MIT class paper on the development of Shannon's work to 1948.
*[http://www.engin.umich.edu/150th/alum-legends/shannon.html Retrospective at the University of Michigan]
*[http://www.engin.umich.edu/alumni/engineer/04SS/achievements/advances.html#shannon Shannon's University of Michigan profile]
*[http://www.nightgarden.com/infosci.htm Notes on Computer-Generated Text]
*[http://www2.bc.edu/~lewbel/Shannon.html Shannon's Juggling Theorem and Juggling Robots]
*[http://stanstudio.com/Boston_Photo_Blog/claude-e-shannon-juggler Color photos of Shannon]
*[http://www.pi.infn.it/%7Ecarosi/chess/shannon.txt Shannon's paper on computer chess, text]
*{{PDF|[http://www.ascotti.org/programming/chess/Shannon%20-%20Programming%20a%20computer%20for%20playing%20chess.pdf Shannon's paper on computer chess]|175&nbsp;[[Kibibyte|KiB]]<!-- application/pdf, 179879 bytes -->}}
*[http://www.dcc.uchile.cl/~cgutierr/cursos/IA/shannon.txt Shannon's paper on computer chess, text, alternate source]
*[http://neilsloane.com/doc/shannonbib.html A Bibliography of His Collected Papers]
*[http://memory.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/r?faid/faid:@field(DOCID+ms003071) A Register of His Papers in the Library of Congress]
*[http://www.kk.org/thetechnium/archives/2008/03/the_unspeakable.php The Technium: The (Unspeakable) Ultimate Machine]
*[http://www.kugelbahn.ch/sesam_e.htm The Most Beautiful Machine.] (aka the "Ultimate Machine") It's a communication based on the functions ON and OFF.
*[http://dspace.mit.edu/bitstream/1721.1/39429/1/54526133.pdf Guizzo, "The Essential Message: Claude Shannon and the Making of Information Theory"]
*[http://www.fortunesformula.com Claude Shannon, Edward O. Thorp, Fortune's Formula]
*[http://www.vigyanprasar.gov.in/dream/dec2006/Eng%20December.pdf Claude Shannon : Founding Father of Electronic Communication age,Dream 2047, Decembar,2006, Shivaprasad Khened]

Verzija na dan 17 februar 2013 u 19:21

Claude Elwood
Datoteka:Claude Elwood Shannon (1916-2001).jpg

Claude Elwood Shannon (30. april 191624. februar 2001) je nazvan "ocem informatičke teorije" zbog svog naučnog rada iz 1948. , i bio je izumitelj teorije praktičkog digitalnog kola. Kao 21 godišnji master student na MIT-u, 1937., napisao je tezu koja demonstrira električnu primjenu Booleove algebre. On je pokazao da Booleova algebra može konstruisati i riješiti bilo koju logičku ili brojčanu relaciju. Smatra se da je to najvažnija magistarska teza svih vremena.

Shanon 1936 završava studij sa dvije diplome, inženjera elektrotehnike i matematičara. Postdiplomski studij nastavlja na MIT-u, gdje je radio na analognom računaru Vannevar Bush-a. Od 1940., Shannon radi kao istraživač na Institutu za napredna istraživanja u Princeton-u, New Jersey. Tamo ima mogućnost da raspravlja o svojim idejama sa uticajnim naučnicima i matematičarima kao što su Hermann Weyl i John von Neumann. Ponekada se sastajao i sa Albertom Einsteinom. Shannon je neometano radio na raznim poljima i počeo da uobličava ideje koje su vodile do nastanka informacijske teorije.

Spisak nagrada i diploma

  • Nagrada Alfred Noble (nije Nobelova nagrada), 1939.
  • Spomen nagrada Morris Liebmann, Instituta radio inženjera, 1949.
  • Univerzitet Yale (Magistar nauka), 1954.
  • Medalja Stuart Ballantine, Franklin Institute, 1955.
  • Nagrada Research Corporation, 1956.
  • Univerzitet Michigan-a, počasni doktorat, 1961.
  • Rice Univerzitet, Medalja časti, 1962.
  • Univerzitet Princeton, počasni doktorat, 1962
  • Marvin J. Kelly Nagrada, 1962
  • Univerzitet Edinburgh, počasni doktorat, 1964
  • Univerzitet Pittsburgh, počasni doktorat, 1964.
  • "Institute Electrical and Electronics Engineers", Medalja časti, 1966.
  • "National Medal Science", 1966., dodijelio Predsjednik Lyndon B. Johnson
  • Golden Plate Nagrada, 1967.
  • Northwestern Univerzitet, počasni doktorat, 1970.
  • Harvey Prize, the Technion Haifa, Israel, 1972.
  • "Royal Netherlands Academy Arts and Sciences (KNAW)" Kraljevska Akademija nauka i umjetnosti Holandije, strani član, 1975.
  • Univerzitet Oxford, počasni doktorat, 1978.
  • Joseph Jacquard, Nagrada, 1978.
  • Harold Pender, Nagrada, 1978.
  • Univerzitet East Anglia, počasni doktorat, 1982.
  • Carnegie Mellon Univerzitet, počasni doktorat, 1984.
  • "Audio Engineering Society", Zlatna medalja, 1985.
  • Kyoto Nagrada, 1985
  • Tufts Univerzitet, počasni doktorat, 1987.
  • Univerzitet Pennsylvania, počasni doktorat, 1991.
  • Eduard Rhein Nagrada, 1991
  • "National Inventors" kuća slavnih, 2004. (posthumno)

Vanjski linkovi


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