Thomas Pynchon
Thomas Ruggles Pynchon Jr. ( /ˈpɪnˌtʃɒn/ PIN -chon,[1][2] uobičajeno /ˈpɪnˌtʃən/ PINCH -in ;[3] rođen 8. maja 1937.) je američki romanopisac poznat po svojim gustim i složenim romanima. Njegovi beletristični i nefikcijski spisi obuhvataju široku lepezu tema, žanrova i tema, uključujući istoriju, muziku, nauku i matematiku . Za Gravity's Rainbow, Pynchon je 1973. osvojio Nacionalnu nagradu za književnost SAD-a za fikciju .[4]
Porijeklom sa Long Islanda, Pynchon je služio dvije godine u mornarici Sjedinjenih Država i stekao diplomu engleskog jezika na Univerzitetu Cornell . Nakon što je objavio nekoliko kratkih priča kasnih 1950-ih i ranih 1960-ih, počeo je da komponuje romane po kojima je najpoznatiji: V. (1963.), Plač lota 49 (1966.) i Duga gravitacije (1973.). Njegov roman Urođeni porok iz 2009. adaptiran je u istoimeni dugometražni film redatelja Paula Thomasa Andersona 2014. godine. Pynchon je notorno povučen od medija; objavljeno je nekoliko njegovih fotografija, a glasine o njegovoj lokaciji i identitetu kruže od 1960-ih, iako je sebe izrazio u dvije epizode Simpsona . Pynchonov najnoviji roman, Bleeding Edge, objavljen je 17. septembra 2013.

Kritičari su pravili poređenja Pynchonovog pisanja s djelima Rabelaisa,[5][6] Cervantesa,[5][7] Laurencea Sternea,[8][9] Edgara Allana Poea,[10][11] Nathaniela Hawthornea,[12] ] [12][13] Herman Melville-a,[5][14] Charles Dickens,[15][16] Joseph Conrad,[17][18] Thomas Mann,[19][20] William S. Burroughs,[21][22] Ralph Ellisona,[22][23] Patrick White-a,[24][25] i Toni Morrison .[26][27]
[uredi | uredi izvor]- ^ As pronounced by Pynchon himself: {{{title}}}.
- ^ Boris Kachka (25. 8. 2013). "On the Thomas Pynchon Trail: From the Long Island of His Boyhood to the 'Yupper West Side' of His New Novel". New York Magazine. Pristupljeno 14. 12. 2022.
- ^ "Pynchon". Random House Webster's Unabridged Dictionary.
- ^
"National Book Awards – 1974". National Book Foundation. Retrieved 2012-03-29.
(With essays by Casey Hicks and Chad Post from the Awards 60-year anniversary blog. The mock acceptance speech by Irwin Corey is not reprinted by NBF.) - ^ a b c Mendelson, Edward (1976). "Encyclopedic Narrative: From Dante to Pynchon". MLN Comparative Literature. 91: 1267–75. doi:10.2307/2907136. JSTOR 2907136.
- ^ Donoghue, William (2014). Mannerist Fiction: Pathologies of Space from Rabelais to Pynchon. University of Toronto Press. ISBN 978-1-4426-4801-2. Arhivirano s originala, 4. 12. 2020. Pristupljeno 22. 1. 2023.
- ^ Holdsworth, Carole (1988). "Cervantine Echoes in Early Pynchon". Cervantes: Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of America. 8: 47–53.
- ^ Battestin, M.C. (1997). "Review: Pynchon, North and South". Sewanee Review. 105: lxxvi–lxxviii. JSTOR 27548359.
- ^ Stonehill, Brian (1988). The Self-Conscious Novel: Artifice in Fiction from Joyce to Pynchon. University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 978-1-5128-0732-5. JSTOR j.ctv4rfsgd.
- ^ Lenz, William E. (1991). "Poe's Arthur Gordon Pym and the Narrative Techniques of Antarctic Gothic". CEA Critic. 53: 30–8. JSTOR 44377065.
- ^ Hashhozheva, Galena (2008). "The Mittelwerke: Site–Para-site–Non-site". Pynchon Notes (54–5): 137–53.
- ^ a b Min, Hye Sook (2003). "The Pyncheons of The House of the Seven Gables: Questing after Thomas Pynchon". Journal of English and American Studies. 2: 121–33.
- ^ Madsen, Deborah Lea (2008). "Pynchon and the Tradition of American Romance". u Schaub, T.H. (ured.). Approaches to Teaching Thomas Pynchon's The Crying of Lot 49 and Other Works. Modern Language Association, New York. str. 25–30.
- ^ Palmeri, Frank (2012). Satire in Narrative: Petronius, Swift, Gibbon, Melville, & Pynchon. University of Texas Press. ISBN 978-0292741508.
- ^ Poirier, Richard (1975). "The Importance of Thomas Pynchon". Twentieth Century Literature. 21: 151–62. doi:10.2307/440705. JSTOR 440705.
- ^ Logan, William (2009). "Pynchon in the Poetic". Our Savage Art: Poetry and the Civil Tongue. Columbia University Press. str. 221–33. doi:10.7312/loga14732-022. ISBN 9780231147323.
- ^ Green, Martin (1982). "The Crying of Lot 49: Pynchon's Heart of Darkness". Pynchon Notes (8): 30–8. doi:10.16995/pn.458.
- ^ Cooley, Ronald W. (1993). "The Hothouse or the Street: Imperialism and Narrative in Pynchon's V.". Modern Fiction Studies. 39: 307–25. doi:10.1353/mfs.0.0354. JSTOR 26284217.
- ^ Smith, Evans Lansing (1990). "The Arthurian Underworld of Modernism: Thomas Mann, Thomas Pynchon, Robertson Davies". Arthurian Interpretations. 4: 50–64. JSTOR 27868683.
- ^ Spiridon, Monica (2013). "Holy Sinners: Narrative Betrayal and Thematic Machination in Thomas Mann's and Thomas Pynchon's novels". Neohelicon. 40: 199–208. doi:10.1007/s11059-013-0174-0.
- ^ Hume, Kathryn (2000). "Books of the Dead: Postmortem Politics in Novels by Mailer, Burroughs, Acker, and Pynchon". Modern Philology. 97: 417–44. doi:10.1086/492868.
- ^ a b Cooper, Peter L. (1983). Signs and Symptoms: Thomas Pynchon and the Contemporary World. University of California Press. ISBN 978-0520045378.
- ^ Witzling, David (2008). Everybody's America: Thomas Pynchon, Race, and the Cultures of Postmodernism. Routledge. doi:10.4324/9780203479681. ISBN 9780203479681.
- ^ Hospital, Janette Turner (1995). Collected Stories: 1970 To 1995. str. 361–2.
- ^ Burdett, Lorraine (2001). "Synthetics Surveillance and Sarsaparilla: Patrick White and the New Gossip Economy". Journal of the Association for the Study of Australian Literature. Special conference issue: Australian Literature in a Global World edited by Wenche Ommundsen and Tony Simoes da Silva.
- ^ McClure, John A. (2007). Partial Faiths: Postsecular Fiction in the Age of Pynchon and Morrison. University of Georgia Press. str. 38. ISBN 978-0-8203-3660-2. JSTOR j.ctt46n5bh.
- ^ Schell, Robert (2014). "Engaging Foundational Narratives in Morrison's Paradise and Pynchon's Mason & Dixon". College Literature. 41: 69–94. doi:10.1353/lit.2014.0029. JSTOR 24544601.