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Spisak osoba koje se nisu zakleli na odanost Ebu-Bekru

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Ovo je spisak ljudi koji se nisu zakleli na odanost Ebu-Bekru.

Očekivalo se da će Alija nakon njegove smrti naslijediti islamskog poslanika Muhammeda,[1] zbog njihove bliskosti i Muhammedovih preferencija prema Aliji.[2][3] Dok je obavljao Muhammedove pogrebne obrede, grupa ashaba je otišla i proglasila Ebu-Bekra za halifu, dok su drugi ostali odani Aliji.

Pozadina[uredi | uredi izvor]

Neposredno nakon Muhammedove smrti 11. hidžretske godine (632. n.e.), nekoliko Ensarija (muslimana iz Medine) okupilo se u Sakifi (dvorištu) klana Benu Sa'ida.[4] Saznavši za sastanak, Ebu-Bekr i Omer brzo su otišli do Sakife.[5] Nakon napetog sastanka, u kojem je Omer pretukao poglavicu ensarija kako bi se njemu pokorio, mala grupa muslimana okupljena u Sakifi složila se oko Ebu-Bekra kao novog poglavara muslimanske zajednice.[6] Događaj na Sakifi isključio je Muhammedovu porodicu, koja se spremala da ga sahrani, i većinu Muhadžira (muslimana iz Mekke).[7] Mnogi članovi Muhammedovog plemena, Benu Hašim, kao i brojni Muhammedovi ashabi protivili su se nominaciji Ebu-Bekra;[8] smatrali su da je Alija bio zakoniti nasljednik Muhammeda, kojeg je on imenovao na događaju Gadir-Huma.[9] Pitanje o nasljeđivanju Muhammeda će na kraju dovesti do formiranja dvije glavne sekte islama, pri čemu suniti smatraju Ebu-Bekra Muhammedovim nasljednikom, a šiiti vjeruju da je Alija bio zakoniti nasljednik Muhammeda.

Spisak[uredi | uredi izvor]

Prema različitim izvorima, mnogi ljudi se nisu zakleli na vjernost Ebu-Bekru nakon Sakife. Neki su to učinili tek kasnije,[10] iz različitih razloga. Oni su:

Ime Pleme Pozicija u vrijeme Muhammedovog života Bilješke
Abbas ibn Abdul-Muttalib Benu Hašim
  • Muhammedov stric
  • Sunitski učenjak 9. stoljeća prenosi da je Abbas rekao Ebu-Bekru: "Ako ste tražili ono što ste tražili kroz srodstvo sa Allahovim Poslanikom, onda ste zaplijenili naše. Ako ste to tražili zbog svog položaja među muslimanima, onda je naš prestižniji od vašeg. Ako se ova afera izvrši kada su vjernici time zadovoljni, onda to ne može biti sve dok smo mi nezadovoljni time."[11]
  • Jakubi, također sunitski učenjak 9. stoljeća, prenosi: "Grupa muhadžira i ensarija držala se podalje od odanosti Ebu-Bekru i bili su sljedbenici hazreti Alije (as). Među njima su bili Abbas Bin Abdul-Muttalib...Fadl ibn Abbas"
  • Buharija prenosi isto kao i Jakubi.[12]
Ebu Ejjub el-Ensari [13][14] Benu Nedžar (s očeve strane); Benu Hazredž (s majčine strane)[14]
  • Domaćin kuće u kojoj je Muhammed boravio nakon hidžre dok mu nije izgrađena kuća[14]
Ebu Burejdah el-Eslami[12]
Ebu Zerr el-Gifari[12][13][15] Benu Gifar
  • Jedan od prvih koji je prihvatio islam[16]
El-Bera ibn Azib[12][15] Benu Hazredž
Alija ibn Ebu-Talib Benu Hašim
  • Buharija bilježi hadis u svojoj zbirci od Aiše da se Alija Ebu-Bekru zakleo na odanost tek nakon smrti Fatime
  • Sličan, ali kraći hadis bilježi i Muslim u svojoj zbirci.[17]
Ammar ibn Jasir[12][13][15] Benu Mahzum
  • Jedan od prvih koji je prihvatio islam
Bilal ibn Rebbah[18] Benu Džumah[19]
  • Zadužen je kao mujezin u vrijeme Muhammeda. Odbio je zakleti se na odanost Ebu-Bekru. Ezan je proučio samo još jednom nakon toga po molbi Muhammedove kćerke Fatime.[23]
Fadl ibn Abbas[12][24] Benu Hašim
  • Muhammedov rođak
Ferva ibn Amr[15]
Fatima Benu Hašim
  • Muhammedova kćerka
  • Smatra se "vođa žena dženneta" ili "vođa žena svijetova"
  • Buharija piše u svojoj zbirci hadisa: "Fatima se naljutila na Ebu-Bekra i držala se dalje od njega, i nije razgovarala s njim dok nije umrla. Ostala je živa za šest mjeseci nakon Poslanikove smrti, njen muž Alija ju je pokopao noću, a da nije obavijestio Ebu-Bekra i on je sam klanjao dženazu.
  • Muslim piše u svojoj zbirci hadisa: „Fatima koja se naljutila na Ebu-Bekra...Ona ga je napustila i nije razgovarala s njim do kraja svog života. Živjela je šest mjeseci nakon smrti Allahovog Poslanika i on je sam klanjao dženazu."
Huzejfe ibnul-Jeman[25] Benu Avs
Ibn Abbas[26] Benu Hašim
  • Muhammedov rođak
Halid ibn Sa'id[12][15][27] Benu Umejja
Huzejma ibn Sabit[13][15] Benu Avs
Malik ibn Nuvejra Benu Jerbu'[28]
  • Imenovan od Muhammeda za prikupljanje poreza u sjeveroistočnoj Arabiji[29]
Kajs ibn Sa'd[12][15] Benu Hazredž
Sa'd ibn Ubeda[30] Benu Hazredž
  • Vođa Benu Hazredža
  • Kao dio govora kojim je odbio da oda vjernost Ebu-Bekru, Sa'd ibn Ubedah je rekao: "Neću se odreći istinom Božijom. Čak i ako se šejtani i svi ljudi udruže da vas podrže, ja im se neću pridružiti, i čekaću dok ne saznam presudu Svemogućeg." Navodi se da nikada nije dao vjernost Ebu-Bekru za cijelu njegovu vladavinu.
Selman Farisi[12][13]
Sehl ibn Hunejf[31] Benu Avs
Talha ibn Ubejdullah[32][33]
  • Sunitski historičar El-Tabari izvještava da je Talha bio među onima koji su se okupili u Alijinoj kući nakon Sakife.[33]
Ubejj ibn Ka'b[12][13] Benu Hazredž
Utbe ibn Ebu Leheb[13] Benu Hašim
Osman ibn Hunejf[13][34]
Zubejr ibn Avvam[32][33] Benu Esad
  • El-Buhari, sunitski šafijski islamski učenjak iz 9. stoljeća, prenosi da je Omer rekao: "Alija i Zubejr i ko god je bio s njima, suprotstavili su nam se, dok su se muhadžiri okupili sa Ebu-Bekrom."[12][15]
  • Sunitski historičar El-Tabari piše da je "Omer b. Hattab došao u kuću Alije. Talha, Zubejr i neki od Muhadžira bili su [također] u kući [sa Alijom]. Omer je povikao: "Tako mi Boga, ili izađi da položiš zakletvu [Ebu-Bekru], ili ću ja zapaliti kuću." Zubejr je izašao sa isukanim mačem. Dok se spotakeo [na nešto], mač je pao iz njegove ruke, pa su ga zaskočili i uhvatili."[33]

Reference[uredi | uredi izvor]

  1. ^ Bainbridge, Beryl (1985). Women and the Family in the Middle East. University of Texas Press. str. 256. ISBN 9780292755291. Ali was expected to succeed Muhammad in the leadership of the Muslim community (ummah) following the Prophet's death in 632
  2. ^ Abbas (2021): "According to Tabari, a group of Ansar meanwhile proposed Ali as the one most deserving to lead the community [...] The call was ignored [...] They would have reminded everyone about what the Prophet had said about Ali's status at Ghadir Khumm not too long ago."
  3. ^ Abbas (2021): "He emphasised his merits and kinship to the Prophet as proof supporting his claim to be the rightful successor to the Prophet."
  4. ^ Fitzpatrick i Walker (2014, str. 3)
  5. ^ Abbas (2021). Hazleton (2009)
  6. ^ Hazleton (2009). Madelung (1997)
  7. ^ Madelung (1997). Fitzpatrick i Walker (2014). Abbas (2021). Hazleton (2009). Momen (1985)
  8. ^ Khetia (2013) Madelung (1997)
  9. ^ Fitzpatrick i Walker (2014)
  10. ^ Jafri, S. H. M. (2002). The Origins and Early Development of Shia Islam (1st izd.). Oxford University Press. They gradually, one after the other, were reconciled to the situation and swore allegiance to Abu Bakr.
  11. ^ A Shi'i-Sunni dialogue quoting from Al-Imama wa al-Siyasa page 16 Error in Webarchive template: Empty url.
  12. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l Shaikh, Asif. Sahaba: The Companion. N.p.: n.p., n.d. Print. Pg. 42-45
  13. ^ a b c d e f g h i Abbas (2021): "Many leading companions of the Prophet, meanwhile, had approached Abu Bakr to remind him about Ali's right to the office of the caliphate. These included Salman al-Farsi, Ammar ibn Yasir, Abu Dharr, Miqdad, Utbah ibn Abi-Lahab, Ubayy ibn Ka'b, Al-Numan ibn Ajlan, Uthman ibn Hunayf, Abu Ayub Ansar and Khuzamah ibn Thabit, among others."
  14. ^ a b c Jafri, Syed Husain Mohammad (2002). "Chapter 2: Saqifa, The First Manifestations". The Origins and Early Development of Shi'a Islam. Oxford University Press.
  15. ^ a b c d e f g h i A Shi'i-Sunni dialogue on Error in Webarchive template: Empty url.
  16. ^ Brelvi, Mahmud (1982). "Chapter 19: Early Stage of the Spread of Islam". Seerat Al-Nabi. Institute of Sindhology, University of Sind. str. 23. Abu - dhar was the 6th or 7th convert to Islam
  17. ^ "Sahih Muslim 1759b - The Book of Jihad and Expeditions - كتاب الجهاد والسير - - Sayings and Teachings of Prophet Muhammad (صلى الله عليه و سلم)". Pristupljeno 7. 3. 2022.
  18. ^ a b Banerjee, Prathama (2021). Elementary Aspects of the Political: Histories from the Global South. Duke University Press. ISBN 9781478012443. Bilal, appointed by the Prophet Muhammad as the first muezzin, who refused allegiance to Abu Bakr after Muhammad's death
  19. ^ Meri 2005: "Bilal was born to a black slave-girl named Hamama in the Arab clan of Banu Jumah: in Hijaz."
  20. ^ Meri 2005: "He was one of the earliest converts (al-sabiqun) to Islam"
  21. ^ Meri 2005: "In his first year in Medina, the Prophet Muhammad initiated the practice of vocally calling his followers to prayer (adhan), and from the beginning he charged Bilal with performing the task as muezzin (mu’adhdhin). The most momentous occasion when he delivered the adhan was when Muhammad and his followers victoriously entered Mecca (8/629) and cleansed the House of Ka‘ba and its environs of all idols."
  22. ^ Meri 2005: "he was trusted as the Prophet’s treasurer"
  23. ^ Meri 2005: "After the Prophet’s death, Bila¯l was reluctant to deliver the call to prayer, as he may have felt dissatisfied with succession arrangements. Reportedly, he declined to pledge allegiance (bay‘a) to Abu¯ Bakr (r. 11–13/632–634) as caliph, and he eventually emigrated and settled in Sham. On at least one moving occasion, Bilal is known to have delivered the adhan after the Prophet, and that was upon the request of Muhammad’s beloved daughter Fatima (d. 11/632) and her two sons, al-Hasan (d. 50/669) and al-Husayn (d. 61/680)."
  24. ^ The Works of Ibn Wāḍiḥ Al-Yaʿqūbī (Volume 3), An English Translation. 2018. str. 744. al-Fadl b. al-Abbas, who was the spokesman of Quraysh, stood up to say, "People of Quraysh, it is not right that the succession (khilafa) should become yours through deceit; we are entitled to it before you, and our companion is more entitled to it than you are."
  25. ^ Jafri, S. H. M. (2002). The Origins and Early Development of Shi'a Islam (1st izd.). Oxford University Press.
  26. ^ Madelung 1997: "The presentation of Ibn al-'Abbas, however, leaves no doubt that he considered 'Ali as entitled to the succession"
  27. ^ Madelung 1997: "The refusal of the Umayyad Khalid b. al-As, one of the earliest converts to Islam and a prominent Companion, to swear allegiance to Abu Bakr when he returned from the Yemen to Medina a month after the latter's succession and his insistence on the rights of the Banu 'Abd Manaf (including both Hashim and 'Abd Shams) are significant."
  28. ^ Mackintosh-Smith, Tim (2019). Arabs: A 3,000-year History of Peoples, Tribes and Empires. Yale University Press. str. 181. Malik ibn Nuwayrah...a leader of the tribe of Yarbu'
  29. ^ Mikaberidze, Alexander (2011). "Ridda Wars". Conflict and Conquest in the Islamic World: A Historical Encyclopedia - Volume 1. ABC-CLIO. str. 751. ISBN 9781598843361. Malik ibn Nuwayrah...was a Muslim and appointed by the Prophet himself to collect taxes in northeastern Arabia.
  30. ^ Razek, Ali Abdel (2012). "Chapter 8: The Arab State". Islam and the Foundations of Political Power. Edinburgh University Press. str. 110. ISBN 9780748656318. It is also clear from the fact that Sa'd ibn 'Ubadah refused to give allegiance to Abu Bakr, saying..."I will not renounce by the truth of God. Even if the demons and all the men allied themselves to support you, I will not join them, and will wait until I know the judgement of the Almighty"...He stayed in this state of mind until Abu Bakr died.
  31. ^ al-Qarashi, Baqir Sharif (2018). THIS IS SHI'ISM (AN OBJECTIVE STUDY).
  32. ^ a b Abbas (2021): "Besides his family and members of Banu Hashim, a handful of Ali's friends had started to gather around him, including some of the Prophet's companions, such as Zubayr ibn al-Awwam and Talha ibn Ubaydullah."
  33. ^ a b c d Al-Tabari. "The Events of the Year 11". u Poonawala, Ismail K. (ured.). The History of al-Ṭabarī, Vol. 9: The Last Years of the Prophet: The Formation of the State A.D. 630-632/A.H. 8-11. The State University of New York Press. str. 186–187. ISBN 9780887066924. Umar b. al-Khattab came to the house of Ali. Talhah, al-Zubayr, and some of the Muhajirun were [also] in the house [with Ali]. Umar cried out, "By God, either you come out to render the oath of allegiance [to Abu Bakr], or I will set the house on fire." Al-Zubayr came out with his sword drawn. As he stumbled [upon something], the sword fell from his hand, so they jumped over him and seized him.
  34. ^ A list composed of sources such as Ibn Hajar Asqalani and Baladhuri, each in his Ta'rikh, Muhammad Bin Khawind Shah in his Rauzatu's-Safa, Ibn Abdu'l-Birr in his Isti'ab