
ALGOL[1] je porodica imperativnih programskih jezika za računare[2] originalno razvijena u srednjim 1950-tim koja je defakto postala standard za izvještavanje algoritama tokom sljedećih 30 godina. Dizajniran je da se izbjegnu neki problemi sa FORTRANom i eventualno poboljšaju neki drugi programski jezici (uključujući Pascal).
Također pogledajte
[uredi | uredi izvor]Reference
[uredi | uredi izvor]- ^ "What is ALGOL?". (jezik: engleski). Pristupljeno 24. 8. 2023.
- ^ "ALGOL | Programming, Syntax & Compiler | Britannica". (jezik: engleski). Pristupljeno 24. 8. 2023.
[uredi | uredi izvor]- F.L. Bauer, R. Baumann, M. Feliciano, K. Samelson, Introduction to Algol. Prentice Hall, 1964, ISBN 0-13-477828-6
- B. Randell and L.J. Russell, ALGOL 60 Implementation: The Translation and Use of ALGOL 60 Programs on a Computer. Academic Press, 1964. The design of the Whetstone Compiler. One of the early published descriptions of implementing a compiler. See the related papers: Whetstone Algol Revisited Arhivirano 27. 2. 2008. na Wayback Machine, and The Whetstone KDF9 Algol Translator by B. Randell
- E. W, Dijkstra, Algol 60 translation: an algol 60 translator for the x1 and making a translator for algol 60, report MR 35/61. Mathematisch Centrum, Amsterdam, 1961. [1]
Vanjski linkovi
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Algol-68 Execution online using browsers. Arhivirano 1. 5. 2013. na Wayback Machine by Mohtashim
- Revised Report on the Algorithmic Language Algol 60 by Peter Naur, et al. ALGOL definition
- A BNF syntax summary of ALGOL 60
- History of ALGOL at the Computer History Museum
- MARST, a free Algol-to-C translator (User Guide Arhivirano 8. 5. 2021. na Wayback Machine)
- AN IMPLEMENTATION OF ALGOL 60 FOR THE FP6000 Arhivirano 25. 7. 2020. na Wayback Machine Discussion of some implementation issues.
- "The European Side of the Last Phase of the Development of ALGOL 60" by Peter Naur
- Edinburgh University wrote compilers for Algol60 (later updated for Algol60M) based on their Atlas Autocode compilers initially bootstrapped from the Atlas to the KDF-9. The Edinburgh compilers generated code for the ICL1900, the ICL4/75 (an IBM360 clone), and the ICL2900. Here is the BNF for Algol60 Arhivirano 15. 5. 2020. na Wayback Machine and the ICL2900 compiler source Arhivirano 15. 5. 2020. na Wayback Machine, library documentation Arhivirano 15. 5. 2020. na Wayback Machine, and a considerable test suite Arhivirano 15. 5. 2020. na Wayback Machine including Brian Wichmann's tests. Arhivirano 15. 5. 2020. na Wayback Machine Also there is a rather superficial Algol60 to Atlas Autocode source-level translator Arhivirano 15. 5. 2020. na Wayback Machine.
- A Windows Algol Algol running on Vista win64 system by Marcel van der Veer, Algol 68 Genie works on normal Windows up through the latest.
- Eric S. Raymond's Retrocomputing Museum, among others a link to the NASE Algol-60 interpreter written in C.
- Stories about The Burroughs B5000 and the People Who Were There [2]
- TrueType font containing U+23E8 Decimal Exponent Symbol.
- An online ALGOL68 compiler for small experiments[mrtav link]
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