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Tamna energija

S Wikipedije, slobodne enciklopedije

Tamna energija je naziv za hipotetski oblik energije koji prodire u cijeli prostor i ima negativan pritisak koji rezultira odbojnom gravitacijskom silom. Tamna energija djeluje suprotno običnoj materiji koja preko gravitacije djeluje privlačno, te tako usporava širenje svemira.

Raspodjela tamne materije i tamne energije u svemiru

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Vanjski linkovi

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  • Dark energy: how the paradigm shifted
  • Dennis Overbye (novembar 2006). "9 Billion-Year-Old 'Dark Energy' Reported". The New York Times.
  • "Mysterious force's long presence" BBC News online (2006) More evidence for dark energy being the cosmological constant
  • "Astronomy Picture of the Day" one of the images of the Cosmic Microwave Background which confirmed the presence of dark energy and dark matter
  • SuperNova Legacy Survey home page The Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Legacy Survey Supernova Program aims primarily at measuring the equation of state of Dark Energy. It is designed to precisely measure several hundred high-redshift supernovae.
  • "Report of the Dark Energy Task Force"
  • " – Dark Energy Website" Multimedia presentation explores the science of dark energy and Hubble's role in its discovery.
  • "Surveying the dark side"
  • "Dark energy and 3-manifold topology" Acta Physica Polonica 38 (2007), p. 3633–3639
  • The Dark Energy Survey
  • The Joint Dark Energy Mission
  • Harvard: Dark Energy Found Stifling Growth in Universe, primary source
  • April 2010 Smithsonian Magazine Article Arhivirano 26. 3. 2010. na Wayback Machine
  • HETDEX Dark energy experiment