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Tipski lokalitet (geologija)

S Wikipedije, slobodne enciklopedije

Tipski lokalitet ili tipsko područje, zvano i tipski odjel, je lokalitet gdje je prvi puta identificirana određena vrsta stijena, stratigrafska jedinica ili vrste minerala.[1] Ako je stratigrafska jedinica na nekom lokalitetu slojevita, naziva se stratotip, dok je referentni standard za slojevite stijene tipski lokalitet.[2]

Termin je sličan nazivu tipsko mjesto u arheologiji ili izrazu tipski primjerak u biologiji.

Primjeri geoloških tipskih lokaliteta

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Stijene i minerali

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Također pogledajte

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  1. ^ "Scottish Geology, Glossary: Type locality/area". Hunterian Museum and Art Gallery of the University of Glasgow. Arhivirano s originala, 24. 12. 2002. Pristupljeno 5. 2. 2011.
  2. ^ "Stratotypes and Type Localities". International Commission on Stratigraphy. Pristupljeno 20. 8. 2017.
  3. ^ "Benmoreite". Oxford Index. Oxford University Press. Pristupljeno 14. 6. 2015.
  4. ^ Harms U., Koeberl C. & Zoback M. D. (2007). Continental Scientific Drilling: A Decade of Progress, and Challenges for the Future. Springer Science & Business Media. str. 311. ISBN 9783540687788.
  5. ^ a b c Rogers, Nick; Stephen Blake; Kevin Burton; Mike Widdowson; Ian Parkinson; Nigel Harris (2008). An introduction to our dynamic planet (Co-published izd.). Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. ISBN 978-0521494243.
  6. ^ State Geologist, Vermont (1918). Report of the State Geologist, Volume 11. str. 191.
  7. ^ Middlemost E. A. K. (1985). Magmas and magmatic rocks: an introduction to igneous petrology. Longman. str. 89. ISBN 9780582300804.
  8. ^ Maier W.D., Lahtinen R. & O'Brien H. (2015). Minerals Deposits of Finland. Elsevier. str. 302. ISBN 9780124104761.
  9. ^ Glikson A.Y. (2014). The Archaean: Geological and Geochemical Windows into the Early Earth. Springer. str. 75. ISBN 9783319079080.
  10. ^ Robinson H.H. (1913). U.S. Geological Survey Professional Paper 76. U.S. Government Printing Office. str. 109.
  11. ^ Gill R. (2010). Igneous Rocks and Processes: A Practical Guide. John Wiley & Sons. str. 328. ISBN 9781444330656.
  12. ^ Oftedahl C. (1989). Sövite. Encyclopedia of Earth Science. str. 544–545. doi:10.1007/0-387-30845-8_231. ISBN 978-0-442-20623-9.
  13. ^ Dunning G. R. & Grenne T. (2000). "U-Pb age dating and paleotectonic significance of trondhjemite from the type locality in the Central Norwegian Caledonides" (PDF). Norges Geologiske Undersøkelse Bulletin. 437: 57–65.
  14. ^ "Temple Butte Limestone, USGS". Arhivirano s originala, 27. 9. 2013. Pristupljeno 28. 6. 2020.